

Orientation refers to the geographical direction a building or a part of the building (like a wall or window) faces. Orientation can significantly impact the amount and intensity of solar radiation a building receives, which in turn affects the thermal and moisture dynamics within the building.

Cavity Ventilation Rate

Cavity ventilation rate refers to the rate at which air moves into and out of a cavity within a building structure, such as a cavity wall or a ventilated rain screen. Ventilation can help remove moisture from a cavity, reducing the risk of condensation and related problems. In hygrothermal modelling, the cavity ventilation rate is a critical factor that can affect the moisture balance in building elements.

Floor Area

Floor area refers to the total area of the floor of a space, measured in square meters. In hygrothermal modelling, floor area directly correlates to internal moisture loading, with larger floor areas typically having lower moisture loading than smaller areas.

Floor to Ceiling Height

This is the vertical distance from the floor to the ceiling of a room. It can influence the volume of air in a room and thus impact internal moisture loading.

Surface Resistances

In the context of hygrothermal modelling, surface resistances represent the resistance to heat and moisture transfer at the internal and external surfaces of a building element (like a wall or roof).

Custom Resistances

This group of inputs describe concepts applied to heat transfer surfaces that are of an advanced nature. Careful consideration must be given before using these. More.

Exterior Convection Coefficient

The rate of convective heat transfer between the exterior surface of a building component and the surrounding air. It represents the effectiveness of heat exchange at the exterior boundary.

Cavity Convection Coefficient

The convective heat transfer coefficient within a cavity space, such as within an insulated wall or roof assembly. It characterizes the rate of heat transfer through convection within the cavity.

Interior Convection Coefficient

The convective heat transfer coefficient between the interior surface of a building component and the indoor air. It reflects the efficiency of heat exchange at the interior boundary.

Exterior Vapour Coefficient

The rate of moisture transfer between the exterior surface of a building component and the surrounding air. It indicates the effectiveness of moisture exchange at the exterior boundary.

Paint Type

Thickness (m)

Sd Value (m)

Vapour Transmission Coefficient (kg/(mΒ²β‹…sβ‹…Pa))

Speckel Default




Water-based Emulsion Paint


0.04 - 0.1

0.000000005 - 0.000000002

Acrylic Paint


0.2 - 0.4

0.000000001 - 0.0000000005

Latex Paint


0.08 - 0.16

0.0000000025 - 0.00000000125

Silicate Paint


0.006 - 0.02

0.0000000333 - 0.00000001

Oil-based Paint


0.4 - 1.0

0.0000000005 - 0.0000000002

Vapour-Barrier Paint


2.0 - 4.0

0.0000000001 - 0.00000000005

Cavity Vapour Coefficient

The moisture transfer coefficient within a cavity space, such as within an insulated wall or roof assembly. It characterizes the rate of moisture transfer through the cavity.

Interior Vapour Coefficient

The moisture transfer coefficient between the interior surface of a building component and the indoor air. It reflects the efficiency of moisture exchange at the interior boundary.

Last updated