J1V3 Reference Building - Control Thermostat
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Many of us know J1V3 modelling requirements. Specification 34 sets them out for the reference and proposed buildings in a clear and relatively concise manner.
One of the lesser-known components of J1V3 modelling is the requirement to determine specific air conditioning setpoints for 98% of the annual hours of operation, when the occupancy of the building is greater than 20% of the peak occupancy.
More detail can be found in S34C2 Reference building (c)
For conditioned spaces with transitory occupancy, the reference building must maintain between 18°CDB and 25°CDB, while all other conditioned spaces should have temperatures maintained between 21°CDB and 24°CDB. This of course means that your reference and proposed building can differ.
Additionally, if the proposed building either lacks mechanical cooling or employs mixed mode cooling, the air-conditioning system must use the same method of control and set points for non-mechanical cooling as specified for the proposed building.
When viewing a J1V3 workflow, a Reference tab is visible on the left side of the screen. Here, you will find the Control Thermostat. When active, the reference building zones use either a thermostat of 21 - 24 CDB (when a 'Conditioned Space'), or 18 - 25 CDB (when a 'Transitory Space'). This setting can be controlled for each Space.