AU Climate Zones

The National Construction Code (NCC) is an Australian building code that sets the minimum requirements for building design, construction, and performance throughout the country. The NCC defines climate zones based on climatic conditions to ensure that buildings are appropriately designed and constructed to be energy-efficient and comfortable for occupants.

Zone 1: Tropical - Hot and Humid

This zone covers the northernmost parts of Australia, including the northern parts of Western Australia, Northern Territory, and Queensland. It experiences hot and humid conditions throughout the year.

Zone 2: Warm Temperate

Zone 2 includes regions along Australia's eastern and western coastlines, experiencing relatively mild winters and warm summers.

Zone 3: Temperate

This zone includes most of Australia's southern and central areas with distinct seasons, including cooler winters and mild to warm summers.

Zone 4: Alpine

The Alpine zone covers the high-altitude regions of the Snowy Mountains and other mountainous areas, experiencing cold winters and mild summers.

Zone 5: Hot Dry

This zone encompasses arid and desert regions, experiencing extremely hot and dry conditions, primarily located in the central parts of Australia.

Zone 6: Mild Warm

Zone 6 includes parts of South Australia, Victoria, and New South Wales, characterized by mild winters and warm summers.

Zone 7: Mild Temperate

This zone covers parts of Tasmania and Victoria, experiencing relatively mild temperatures year-round.

Zone 8: Subtropical

Zone 8 includes the southeastern coastal regions of Queensland and northern parts of New South Wales, experiencing warm to hot temperatures and high humidity.

The specific requirements for building design, materials, and insulation within each climate zone are tailored to suit the unique challenges and needs of the area's climate. Compliance with these zone-specific requirements helps ensure that buildings are energy-efficient, thermally comfortable and well-suited to the local climatic conditions. It's essential to consult the latest version of the National Construction Code to confirm any updates or changes to the climate zone classifications.

Last updated