Add a Daylight Grid
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Daylight Grids are added to Levels, with each Level capable of having multiple grids. Daylight Grids can also be combined with Daylight Grids that have been generated automatically.
To add a Daylight Grid, select Levels on the left and locate any Level. Next, click 'Add Daylight Grid'. Next, turn on the 'Layers' of the zone to which you are adding the Daylight Grid, select the 'Add Grid' icon, and then draw a Daylight Grid. To add a line representing a Daylight Grid, select 'Add lines' and draw a Daylight Grid line.
When a Daylight Grid is drawn, it defaults to the drawing mode 'Include Grid in this Area'. To exclude the grad from the drawn area, select 'Exclude Grid from this Area'.
To delete a Daylight Grid, navigate back to the Levels on the left, locate the Daylight Grid icon and locate 'Delete Daylight Grid'. Left-click and select 'Delete'. Or, delete the Daylight Grid in the Drawing Space.