VRF Condenser Unit

A VRF Condenser Unit manages cooling by varying refrigerant flow based on demand. It plays a crucial role in VRF systems, ensuring precise temperature control in diverse building spaces.

Cooling - Rated CoP

Specify the Cooling - Rated Coefficient of Performance (COP) at rated conditions, encompassing compressor power and condenser fan power. This COP value does not account for impacts due to the supply air fan. The nominal heat pump cooling COP must be greater than 0. If left blank, a default coefficient of performance of 3.3 is assumed.

Heating COP

Specify the Heating COP at rated conditions, including compressor power and condenser fan power. This gross COP value does NOT account for the supply air fan. The nominal heat pump heating COP must be greater than 0. If left blank, a coefficient of performance of 3.4 is assumed.

Waste Heat Recovery

Specify the Waste Heat Recovery configuration. Choose Yes to enable heat recovery, allowing the heat pump to independently cool and heat different zones. Choose No if the heat pump is only able to cool or heat for any given time step.

Condenser Type

Specify the Condenser Type, choosing between Air Cooled or Evaporatively Cooled configurations.

Only available on Enterprise Plans. Please reach out to support@speckel.io for further support.

Last updated