Add a Roof

Roofs are added to Levels, with each Level capable of having multiple roofs. Roof types include flat roofs, single-pitch, double-pitch, and hip roofs. From a modelling perspective, a Roof is an unconditioned zone if determined as a cold roof. Where a warm roof is nominated, it is determined as a tempered or conditioned space, subject to the presence of a ceiling.

Add a Cold Roof

To add a Roof, select Levels on the left and locate any Level. Next, click 'Add Roofs' and 'Edit Roofs'. Next, turn on the 'Layers' of the zone that you are adding the roof too, select the 'Add Roof' icon and then draw a Roof Zone. All nodes in the Zone below must have a corresponding node in the Roof Zone being drawn, or potential geometric errors may arise. Once a Roof Zone is completed, give the Zone a 'Title' and click 'Save'.

Add a Warm Roof

A warm roof places insulation above the roof structure, keeping the entire space below it warm.

To add a Warm Roof, select Levels on the left and locate any Level. Next, click 'Add Roofs' and 'Edit Roofs'. Next, select the roof you want to nominate as a warm roof and then navigate to 'Cavity'. Then, select 'Insulation Position' and nominate 'At Roof Line (Warm Roof)'. Finally, select the 'Outdoor Air Method' and apply the preferred air change rate. Hit 'Save', and you're done!

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