Cooling Coil


Sizing Method

Specify the Sizing Method by choosing between Autosize or Manual. If Manual is selected, the user must provide all sizing parameters.

Design Air Flow Rate

Specify the Design Air Flow Rate to set the maximum air volume flow rate (m3/s) through the coil. This is an auto sizable design input.

Design Inlet Air Humid. Ratio

Specify the Design Inlet Air Humid. Ratio to establish the highest humidity ratio value for the Design inlet air stream (kg Water/kg Dry Air). This input is auto-sizable.

Design Inlet Air Temp

Specify the Design Inlet Air Temp to set the inlet air temperature for the design flow (C). This is an auto sizable design input.

Design Inlet Water Temp

Specify the Design Inlet Water Temp to determine the inlet water temperature for the design flow (C). This input is auto-sizable.

Design Outlet Air Humid. Ratio

Specify the Design Outlet Air Humid. Ratio to set the humidity ratio value for the Design outlet air stream (kg Water/kg Dry Air). This input is auto-sizable.

Design Outlet Air Temp.

Specify the Design Outlet Air Temp to set the desired outlet air condition for the design flow (C). This is an auto sizable design input.

Design Water Flow Rate

Specify the Design Water Flow Rate to establish the maximum water volume flow rate (m3/sec) through the coil. This is an auto sizable design input.

Type of Analysis

Specify the Type of Analysis by choosing between Simple Analysis and Detailed Analysis. The simple mode reports the surface area fraction wet of the coil as dry or wet. In detailed mode, exact values are given, but the execution time is noticeably higher.

Only available on Enterprise Plans. Please reach out to for further support.

Last updated