Cooling Coil


Cooling Coil Rated Cooling CoP

Specify the Cooling Coil Rated Cooling CoP by entering the coefficient of performance (COP), the ratio of gross total cooling capacity to electrical power input at rated conditions. This includes compressors and condenser fan power but excludes supply air fan power. If left blank, the default is 3.0.

Sizing Method

Specify the Sizing Method by choosing from Autosize or Manual.

Cooling Coil Rated Air Flow Rate

Specify the Cooling Coil Rated Air Flow Rate by entering the air volume flow rate in m3 per second across the DX cooling coil at rated conditions. The rated flow rate should be between 0.00004027 m3/s and 0.00006041 m3/s per watt of gross rated total cooling capacity (300 to 450 cfm/ton). For DOAS applications, the range is 0.00001677 m3/s to 0.00003355 m3/s per watt of gross rated total cooling capacity (125 to 250 cfm/ton).

Cooling Coil Rated Total Cooling Capacity

Specify the Cooling Coil Rated Total Cooling Capacity by entering the total, full-load gross cooling capacity (sensible plus latent) in watts of the DX coil unit at rated conditions.

Cooling Coil Sensible Heat Ratio

Specify the Cooling Coil Sensible Heat Ratio by entering the sensible heat ratio (SHR) at rated conditions. SHR is the ratio of gross sensible cooling capacity to gross total cooling capacity. Both capacities should be gross, excluding the effect of supply air fan heat.

Last updated