Demand-controlled ventilation

Demand-controlled ventilation is a ventilation control strategy that maintains indoor air quality by continuously adjusting the ventilation rate provided to a Space in response to changes in occupancy, usually measured by indoor carbon dioxide levels. The observable effects of modelling demand-controlled ventilation, compared to a fixed ventilation rate, would include;

  • Decreased outside air flow rate at decreased occupancy rates (see HVAC Nodes report on Design Day simulation)

  • Decreased space cooling energy

  • Decreased space heating energy

Advanced HVAC enables demand-controlled ventilation on Air Handling unit systems to be considered.

Model demand-controlled ventilation by selecting β€˜Air Terminal’ settings and nominate β€˜Yes’ for Control of Outdoor Air. Next, select the corresponding Air Handling Unit under the 'Outside Air System' settings, and then set Demand-Controlled Ventilation to 'Yes'. Hit 'Update, then 'Save'.

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