
Our collaborative approach is based on a simple philosophy: adding value every step of the way. We are dedicated to promptly addressing any sustainable design inquiries or requests related to Speckel services, including energy modelling, daylight modelling, life cycle modelling, and condensation modelling. We take pride in our platform and extensive expertise, enabling us to work efficiently within specified timeframes.

Unlike the traditional consultancy pricing models, where prices are typically set for specific project outcomes such as JV3 models or daylight models, we offer bulk hour packages that can be utilized for any Speckel deliverable. For instance, by purchasing a 10-hour pack, you can receive services for H1 compliance or JV3, while also benefiting from daylight modelling or a life cycle assessment.

Furthermore, once we have completed the models, we will provide them back to you. This flexibility allows you to leverage our collaborative consultation services across multiple projects, providing even greater value. It's worth noting that the more hours you purchase, the lower the cost per hour becomes. Our hour packs are available in sizes of 10, 20, 30, and 40 for your convenience.

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