Products (A1 - A3)

Aligning to EN15978 Standard, embodied carbon assumptions for raw materials, transport, and manufacturing are sourced through published Environmental Indicator databases (e.g. BRANZ, EPiC or Building Transparency). Speckel is data agnostic regarding databases. If you prefer other databases, please contact us, and we can look into adding other options.

To nominate Products (A1 - A3), navigate to the 'Environmental Indicators' and select the preferred dataset. Carbon sequestration is defaulted to off and can be included as required. Then select 'Update'.


COβ‚‚NSTRUCT provides values for embodied greenhouse gas and energy for some construction materials. Find out more here.


The EPiC Database is a comprehensive and consistent open-access Life Cycle Inventory of environmental flow coefficients for construction materials. The database contains over 850 coefficients that can be incorporated into existing Life Cycle Assessment workflows and processes. Find out more here.

Building Transparency

Building Transparency's core mission is to provide the open access data and tools necessary to enable broad and swift action across the building industry in addressing embodied carbon's role in climate change.

The core service is the Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3), a free database of construction EPDs. EC3 is a dynamic tool β€” embodied carbon search results reflect the specific criteria for the user’s search and the most up-to-date data available. Results change as EPDs are added to the database. Find out more here.

Last updated

Change request #463: