Study Boundary Conditions

Our moisture calculations (Energy Plus) are a more detailed and accurate assessment of heat and moisture transfer and will eventually replace the Glaser Method (based on ISO 13788), a standard static interstitial moisture calculation.

The calculation process is a complex one-dimensional, finite element, heat and moisture transfer model (HAMT) simulating the movement and storage of heat and moisture in surfaces simultaneously from and to both the internal and external environments.

As well as simulating the effects of moisture buffering, HAMT is also able to provide temperature and moisture profiles through composite building walls and help to identify surfaces with high surface humidity.

Below is a step-by-step overview of the inputs required for our moisture simulations. All inputs are based on DA07 Criteria for Moisture Control Design Analysis in Buildings, in line with National Construction Code 2022 requirements.

Run Period – The default Run Period for moisture simulations is five years. Water Content should stabilise yearly or decrease over time within a well-performing wall system. If any Water Content or Mould Growth Report increases year on year within any results, the Run Period should be increased until any year-on-year increase stop.

Included Reports – Dew Point, Water Content, Mould Growth and Relative Humidity are all set by default and can be turned off as required. Once a simulation is complete, the results will be post-processed and presented against DA07 requirements.

Last updated

Change request #463: