
1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Scope of this document This document applies to: a) Housing; and b) Other buildings with an area of occupied space no greater than 300 m2, that are communal residential, communal non-residential (assembly care only), and commercial buildings.

Housing includes detached dwellings, multi-unit dwellings such as buildings which contain more than one separate household or family, e.g. an apartment building, and also group dwellings, e.g. a wharenui. For buildings that do not meet these characteristics, refer to the Acceptable Solution H1/AS2 or Verification Method H1/VM2 as a means to demonstrate compliance or use an alternative means to demonstrate compliance.

1.1.2 Items outside the scope of this document This verification method does not include the use of foil insulation. This verification method does not include requirements to comply with Building Code clauses H.1.3.1(b), H1.3.4, H1.3.5, or H1.3.6. For these clauses, use an alternative means to demonstrate compliance.

1.1.3 Compliance pathway This verification method is one option that provides a means of establishing compliance with the performance criteria in Building Code clauses H.1.3.1(a), H1.3.2E, and H1.3.3. Options for demonstrating compliance with H1 Energy Efficiency through the use of acceptable solutions and verification methods are summarised in Table Compliance may also be demonstrated using an alternative solution. Compliance with Building Code clause H1.3.1(a) (adequate thermal resistance) satisfies clause H1.3.2E (Building Performance Index or BPI).

  1. The modelling method described in Part 2. is a verification method for Building Code clause H1.3.1(a) (adequate thermal resistance). However, compliance with clause H1.3.2E (Building Performance Index or BPI) is not sufficient for demonstrating compliance with clause H1.3.1(a) (adequate thermal resistance).

  2. ALF 4.0, published by BRANZ, calculates the BPI. Note that the ALF procedures are intended for detached dwellings and are not suitable for multi-unit dwellings.

  3. The 20°C stated in the definition of heating energy is for calculation purposes only.

TABLE Demonstrating compliance with H1 Energy Efficiency through acceptable solutions and verification methods

Performance clauseApplies toRelevant acceptable solutions and verification methods

H1.3.1 (a) and (b) Thermal Envelope

H  Housing

CR  Communal residential

CN Communal non-residential (assembly care only)

Com Commercial

For housing, and buildings no greater than 300 m2 : H1/AS1 or H1/VM1 For large buildings: H1/AS2 or H1/VM2

1.2 Using this verification method

1.2.1 Determining the classified use Classified uses for buildings are described in clause A1 of the Building Code. Where a specific classified use is mentioned within a subheading and/or within the text of a paragraph, this requirement applies only to the specified classified use(s), and does not apply to other classified uses. In buildings containing both industrial and other classified uses, the non-industrial portion shall be treated separately according to its classified use. For example, in a building containing both industrial and commercial classified uses, the commercial area shall meet the relevant NZBC energy efficiency requirements.

1.2.2 Determining the area of the building For housing, use the floor area of the building. For buildings other than housing, calculate the area based on the occupied space of the building.

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