Internal Conditions

Below is a step-by-step overview of the inputs required for our moisture simulations. All inputs are based on DA07 Criteria for Moisture Control Design Analysis in Buildings, in line with National Construction Code 2022 requirements.

Specify Temperature – Indoor Temperature (Β°C) defaults to 21 Β°C, as per DA07.

Specify Relative Humidity – Indoor Relative Humidity (%) is set to off as it is typically not controlled in buildings. When toggled on, it can be controlled as a constant value.

Air Exchange Rate - The Air Exchange Rate are the rate at which outdoor air replaces indoor air. A default value of 0.2 is nominated based on DA07. A higher value can be adopted based on a known building envelope and ventilation strategy. Note, ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2016 recommends that homes receive 0.35 air changes per hour.

Relative Humidity Mode – The Intermediate Mode is nominated by default, as per DA07. When selected, Indoor humidity is determined from the weather file and HVAC equipment profile.

Indoor Typology – Residential is set as default. Commercial settings will be made available in late 2022.

Moisture Generation Mode - Moisture Generation (kg/s) is adopted by either the number of bedrooms or people or as a custom value. The generated value is then added to the volume (mΒ³) for partial diffusion through the study wall.

Last updated

Change request #463: